Monday, 20 June 2016

The unlimited potential of your subconscious mind..

Before coming onto subconscious mind and it's power, let's read and understand this beautiful story -
Once, In Heaven There Was A Discussion Among The Gods To Decide Where The Miraculous Secret Power, The Power By Which Man Can Achieve Anything In This World Was To Be Kept Hidden.
One Of The Gods Suggested That It Could Be Kept Hidden In The Depths Of The Sea. Another Said It Could Be Buried On Top Of High Mountains. The Third One Thought Of A Cave In The Woods As The Right Place.
At Last, The Most Intelligent Among Them Said, 'Keep It In The Depths Of Man's Mind. He Will Never Suspect That The Power Is Hidden There Because Right From His Childhood, His Mind Is Prone To Wandering And He Will Not Look Within.Only The Intelligent Among Them Will Look Within, And Use The Power And Become Great.' All Gods Agreed. So, Do You See That The Difference Between Two People Lies In Their Minds? One Knows How To Tap Its Power And The Other Does Not. So, The Truth Expressed Here Is That In The Depths Of Man's Mind Lies Hidden The Miraculous Power, Using Which One Can Become Great.

Mind is mainly categorised in two parts one is conscious and the other is subconscious . As you are reading this article , your conscious part is active but at the same time there are things running in your mind that is your 'subconscious' part . Subconscious mind- never takes rest and works continuously , helps you to digest your food and all your inner mechanism is handled by it. It becomes super active when you sleep as coz that time your conscious part gets off . That's the reason it is being said that morning time when you wake up and night time when you are falling asleep your subconscious mind is active so feed good and positive thoughts on to your mind.

You will be amazed to know this that it is your subconscious mind which plays a very important role in making of your "destiny". Whether it's your personal or professional life , your health or relationship -  subconscious has lots to do with it.

Now, understand this subconscious mind is tool of manifestation and it cannot discriminate between good or bad , positive or negative - it takes all inside .
Since your birth subconscious mind programming has started and it's still on.

Let me explain to you with an example - more than 90% of the population struggles for a wealthy lifestyle and the reason being for that is their upbringing environment and teachings ( subconscious mind programming) , they have been taught from very beginning that life is a struggle , earning money is too tough , go for regular studies that can fetch you a safe job to run your living and the result is in front of us.
"The people " who breaks this belief are the exceptionals of the society .

How are your subconscious gets programmed apart from your upbringing and environment - as we have discussed earlier subconscious takes all inside without discrimination that means it gets programmed with one's thought . So watch out the words you are speaking , hearing and what you are watching-  ultimately these things are making your 'thoughts' and we know that it is the thoughts which shape our destiny.

With the understanding of the power of subconscious part we can all shape our destiny and manifest for ourselves the best future and this power is given equally to all since our birth and can help to build the best relationship , to have great physical health and to be prosperous in each and every field of life.

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