Friday, 11 September 2015

Are you complaining? ?

Are you complaining ??

The law of nature is very simple and it only believes in providing you with abundance , abundance of prosperity, peace and love but still people face scarcity, struggle and sufferings, the question is why ??To understand this first we need to understand we humans are vibrational beings , "whatever we hold in our mind ;that we manifest"But you can ask me every body wishes to be prosperous , successful but they don't get it what's the reason- the reason is you are wishing! !Hey god give me a good jobHey god I want good health........................... and so onLessonAll this wishes vibrates a negative energy that is a complaint about your current situation that means you are not happy with what you have , how can you have more.  So ,we must stop wishing for our dreams??The answer is  "No"There is nothing wrong in having a wish but first be grateful for what you have today , being grateful sends a very positive energy to this nature and it will bring back more of the situations to be grateful for .See nature doesnt understand you are wishing for Audii or BMW ; if you are happy with your present car , it will bring what will make you smile broader.But if you are wishing wishing and wishing and keep questioning Why god why , why me , i work so hard but still am not able to save money for my car , please make my wish come true ; nature will give you few more reasons to complain..Make a wish and be grateful !!Whatever complains you have ; observe it , you will definitely find something to be grateful for even there and that is the secret to live a life of your dreams.Life is a reflection of your attitude and behavior towards it.Gratitude

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