Monday, 14 September 2015

Biggest enemy residing inside all of us!! Let's know about it ;to get rid off it~

1.What is that one thing which makes you think again and again before taking any step??

2.What is between you and what you call success for yourself ?? (as b'coz definition of success varies from person to person)

3.What is affecting your relations??

What is causing anxiety in you ??


How can you learn anything if you wont give a start to yourself ;

I read somewhere - the worst thing than 'failure' is 'fear of failure'

Answers to above 3 questions~

1.Thinking before taking a decision is a good act , you must think as being human you got the power to think and it is one of the most powerful tool but what you are thinking is the question . But delaying a decision and predicting a negative result for yourself is FEAR.
Be calculative ,
Do your research ,
Start from small

You can't experience until you initiate!!

2.In the path of success ~what pulls you back is fear of failure, fear of what people will say,fear of not getting desired outcome.
You can get away from these fears if you focus on input , performance . Your best shot comes at the toughest of your time , challenge your limits . Best should come out from you not to prove anyone but to serve all ; but to influence all.
People can judge you , can put a tag of success or failure ; they can set anyone parameters of success as per their own perspective,  but if you haven't stopped ~ you are not failure ; if you are growing ~ you are not a failure;  if you still have a dream ~ you are not a failure.

Let's understand fear from a small story of Sri krishna~

Once on a full moon day, Krishna and Balarama were walking in the forest, it was late and they decided to rest in the forest for the night. It was a dangerous forest, so Krishna suggested "Baladeva, you keep watch until midnight while I sleep, and  I will be on watch from midnight till morning."
They both agreed and Krishna went to sleep.

A few hours passed, Krishna was sleeping sound. Balarama heard a growl at a distance, it was a terrifying sound. He walked a little further towards the sound.
Now he could see a gigantic monster approaching him. The monster growled again, Balarama was very afraid, he trembled in fear.Every time he trembled, the monster grew double in size. The monster grew bigger and bigger as it approached Balarama. Now the monster was standing very close to Balarama, it growled again. Terrified by the sound, size and terrible smell of the monster Balarama screamed "Krishna! Krishna!" and collapsed and fell unconscious.

Woken up by the call, Krishna followed the sound and found Balarama sleeping, Krishna thought, 'It must be my turn now' and started walking too and fro.
Slowly Krishna recognized the monster standing nearby.
The monster growled at Krishna. "What do you want?" Krishna asked unafraid. The size of the monster decreased, it shrunk to half its size.

"What are you doing here?"

Krishna asked again and the monster shrunk again. Krishna kept questioning it expecting a reply, the monster kept shrinking every time he asked.Now the monster was just 2 inches tall, and looked cute and adorable. Krishna took it in his hand and placed it in his waist pocket. The night passed and Balarama woke in the morning.
Balarama saw Krishna and joyously shouted "Krishna! Krishna!"."Krishna! you don't know what a terrible thing happened while you were asleep. There was huge monster trying to kill us both. I don't know how we survived, the last thing I remember is that I fainted." Balarama said trying to recall yesterday night's events.Krishna took out the little monster out of his pocket and said,
"Is this the same monster?""Yes, but it was so big!
how did it shrink?" asked Balarama."Every time I questioned it, it shrunk in size, finally it became this."Balarama told Krishna how the monster grew yesterday every time he was scared of it.

Moral~ you all are smart enough friends to take the moral

3.Relations suffer the most coz of FEAR.

Fear of losing your loved one's . In this fear of losing your loved one's whole love is lost and you conclude that your 'Fear' was correct but actually it is coz of your fear whole mess was created .

Well, I want to write more on this but shall write a different blog on this . The point is -all must have got my point.

How to overcome FEAR

Believe in your beliefs;  doubt on your doubts.

Don't try to overcome your fear,  a positive Fear is always good; positive fear I said friends, which pushes you towards your goal , which stops you from doing anything unethical.

Gratitude to all my readers! !